Books by Karin Konoval

Karin has received numerous awards for her work in theatre, performing lead roles in contemporary classics like August, Osage County to a wide range of musicals such as Sweeney Todd, The Threepenny Opera, Guys And Dolls and many others. She has especially enjoyed performing the music of Stephen Sondheim, Kurt Weill, Jacques Brel and Leonard Cohen.
Karin’s writing has been published in various anthologies and literary magazines, and broadcast on CBC Radio. As an artist she creates series of paintings that tell a story. She has had many solo exhibits of her work for a growing audience. Karin’s first illustrated book, Jeffrey Takes a Walk in December, was published in 2015. It is available through Friesen Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Chapters Indigo.
Becoming acquainted with orangutans and studying their behavior for her role in a major motion picture sparked a profound personal interest. Karin has continued to learn much more about these compelling great apes and the challenges facing their conservation.