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Hate or Be Hated

Author: JG Daniel


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Hate or Be Hated
by JG Daniel
or How I Survived Right-Wing Extremism.
Hate or Be Hated: How I Survived Right-Wing Extremism. There is something seriously and deadly wrong in America when racists, sexists, paranoids and those full of hatred, brainwash their children with their own narrow-minded belief systems. As long as ignorant extremists breed and do their best at cloning themselves – racism, hate and bigotry in America will continue to thrive. This will only get worse unless more and more adult children stand up to their parents and reject their mindless paranoia and hate.

“Wow, this book blew me away” – “Read this book. Its message goes far beyond the political backdrop, and exposes the haunting and long-term impact of “extremist” tactics in raising a child.”

Had I stayed the course and been loyal to my dad’s ideals,there’s no question that I’d likely be dead and/or would have demonstrated a similar moronic and catastrophic terror like that of Timothy McVeigh, the “good son,” for example. If I hadn’t wrenched myself out of the deep end, I imagine that I would be playing a significant role with the Tea Party and the current wave of right-wing extremism eroding and desperately trying to take over America. These are the only two scenarios where I can think my father would actually be proud of me. I hope this audio book sheds some light on the alt-right and the American values they believe in.


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5 Hrs 31 Min

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