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Cursed by the Sea God

Author: Patrick Bowman


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Cursed by the Sea God
by Patrick Bowman. Read by Gerard Doyle.
Book #2 in the Odyssey of a Slave Series
The second volume in the “Odyssey of a Slave” trilogy continues the retelling of Homer’s epic, The Odyssey. Alexi, a young Trojan boy captured by Odysseus after the fall of Troy, is forced to accompany the hated Greeks on their sea journey home to Ithaca.
“Once again, Bowman has created for young readers a faithful representation of Homer’s plot, presented in a narrative that is fantastical, fast-paced, and sure to captivate young readers.”
Cursed by the Sea God retells many of The Odyssey’s most iconic adventures, including the encounter with the keeper of the winds, the descent into Hades, the fateful visit to the cannibal Laestrygonians, encounters with Circe the sorceress and the songs of the Sirens, as well as the deadly passage between the monster Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis. Having earned the respect of his captors, Alexi loses it all though mischance and is given away to the most brutal soldier on the ship. It will take all of Alexi’s skill and determination just to stay alive. The first volume in the trilogy, Torn from Troy, was nominated for the 2012 OLA Red Maple Award and has proved to be a best seller.


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Gerard Doyle


5 Hrs 48 Min

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