We Love Animals
And We Love Books About Animals!

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A piebald mare. Her chosen person. A bond with the power to change everything.

“Beautiful and profound!”

I absolutely loved this book! I don’t read much; I find I just don’t have the time, but I read this book in a matter of days as I just couldn’t put it down. The story is so beautiful and very profound. The over-arching tale was a joy to read, but there are many layers to it and I found the whole thing truly inspiring and thought-provoking. In truth, it was wonderful nourishment for my soul!

Amazon Print Review

Coming Soon

It is time for the wrongs of the past to be put right. It was never going to be easy.

” Wonderful on so many levels!”

I received the first book in this trilogy as a Christmas pressie. It was, quite simply, the best book I have ever read, and I’ve read a few in my 60+ years! On the level of an engaging and moving story that anyone can enjoy, it works brilliantly. If you are someone who is spiritually aware, it offers so much more! As an energy healer and nature/animal intuitive myself, it serves not only to entertain and engage, but offers confirmation of a lot of what I already know to be possible, and hope that so much more is yet to be discovered. I’ve finished this second book of the trilogy and am into the third. Many thanks Lynn for your perceptive and well-crafted work. Never stop writing!

Amazon Print Review

Coming Soon

It has been more than twenty years since the Kindred came to live in Rockwood.
“Thoughtful” This has been the most thought provoking and insightful series I have EVER read. I cannot praise this author enough for putting her ideas and thought into words to share with anyone who wishes to enter her world. I shall recommend this series to anyone I can think of who would enjoy and benefit from absorbing everything within. Amazon Print Review

Simple, challenging, real-life experiences showing how animals communicate with each other and with people who understand them.

” Animal Lovers will LOVE this audiobook!”

This book was recommended by a friend because our family rescued a German Shepard a few years ago. She sent us a print copy, but I love audiobooks, so when I saw this, I downloaded it right away. Very enjoyable. The narration was great. I felt like I was listening to the author, not a narrator.

This is not the sort of book I usually listen to – it’s a bit “woo woo” but in a very good way. The writing is GREAT! Allen J Boone’s conversational style is easy to follow and he has a great sense of humor. If Boone were alive today, I would want to meet him.

The star of this book is Strongheart, the very first movie dog star. I didn’t know anything about Strongheart before reading this book, but what an amazing dog! And I loved the author’s attitude toward caring for Strongheart – he was so open and receptive to learning from Strongheart – and other animals. Boone believed he could communicate with animals and insects, and credits Strongheart for teaching him.

Whether you believe in animal communication or not, you will find this audiobook entertaining, heartwarming, and surprising. I highly recommend it.

Audible.com Review


“Animal Lovers Will LOVE THIS!”

Okay, I haven’t quite finished this book, but WOW! You could say I was a biased, as I’d already listened to and LOVED “Inside Animal Hearts and Minds” – same author and narrator – so I was expecting to enjoy this book.

There is a bit of repetition from INSIDE, but that was okay. There were far more stories that were new and again, so surprising. And I listen to a lot of books about animal behavior! While Inside Animal Hearts and Minds is organized around the behavior it’s exploring (“counting” or “humor”, etc.), this book is organized by animals: “elephants,” “dolphins,” “cats”… Each section describes incidents in which these animals engaged in altruistic or helpful ways. As a person engaged in current events, I really found this both of these books to be relaxing, comforting, and enlightening breaks from the craziness of the world right now.

Hayden Panettiere’s narration is perfect. She sounds totally engaged in what she’s reading. I only know her from Nashville, which my husband got me into watching years ago. These books are a far cry from her role on Nashville, and she does a great job! I would recommend these books for any age. They would be great to listen to on a family trip (if we ever get to do those again!), and equally wonderful for hanging around with your kids at home while, say, working on a puzzle.

Audible.com review


“Surprisingly Satisfying!”

I love books about animal behavior, especially primates and dogs, but I wasn’t sure about this book. I guess I just wasn’t sure what it was about. I LOVED IT! It’s a collection of stories about animals that surprised and delighted me. Recio offers stories about a wealth of research and animal observations that illustrate how much other animals have in common with us. When I was in school many many years ago, this would have been sneered at as “anthropomorphizing” animal behavior, but these aren’t just anecdotes; they are often stories from the lab or carefully crafted investigations. Truly fascinating and fun book.

And Hayden Panettiere (who I loved in Nashville) did a lovely job narrating. She has a lovely voice and she was engaged and engaging. Well done! I’ve downloaded another book by Recio – When Animals Rescue – and I’m looking forward to more!

I definitely recommend this book to all.

Audible.com review

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This audiobook comes with a downloadable PDF with all the images from the print version.

Inside Animal Hearts and Minds by Belinda Recio. Video Thumbnail

Feel-good audiobook

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