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What the Psychic Told the Pilgrim

Author: Jane Christmas


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What the Psychic Told the Pilgrim
by Jane Christmas. read by Jane Christmas.
A Midlife Misadventure on Spain’s Camino de Santiago de Compostela

In this wickedly funny account, Jane Christmas describes her pilgrimage along Spain’s infamous Camino de Santiago de Compostela in celebration of her fiftieth birthday.

“This book has made me more determined than ever to do the Camino. That’s what I wanted to get out of it, and that’s exactly what I got.”Ana, Goodreads

“Impulse is intuition on Crack”. If Intuition is the prudent angel who carefully directs your spirit, then Impulse is its mischief-making twin. The “imp in impulse.” And thus begins Jane Christmas’s second book chronicling a walk a very long walk taken to celebrate her 50th birthday and face the challenges of mid-life. From a chance encounter, Jane Christmas is inspired to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, a goal she mentioned in a CBC radio interview. That casual mention inspired others, too, and Christmas finds herself “leader” of 14 women who have all signed on to hike the Camino with her. Before leaving, a psychic warns her of cat-fights, death, and a sexy, fair-haired man. Undaunted, Christmas soldiers on. In vivid, irreverent style, she recounts the joys and struggles she encountered on this challenging pilgrimage – her battles with loneliness, group dynamics, and exhaustion, and more. What the Psychic Told the Pilgrim is one trip neither the author or listener will forget.

Author & Narrator

Jane Christmas | Author | Post Hypnotic Press Audiobooks

Christmas, Jane

Author & Narrator


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Jane Christmas


10 Hrs 8 Min

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